Okay. I absolutely love mangoes. One of the best-tasting fruits, in my opinion. But I've always bought them already cut up and ready to go. Perfect. But since deciding to eat better (yes, you heard me....no more TV dinners!), I decided to buy my fruits and veggies fresh. In their original packages. Who knew, right?
Have you ever tried to slice up a mango, though? Me, either. I thought it would be fairly simple. Just cut it up into sections like an apple and eat. Ha! Not even close. Darn thing has a large pit in the middle that is knife-proof. Well, my knives don't go through it. So, I thought I'd peel it and try to slice around the pit. Ha, ha!
Ever held a peeled mango? They are incredibly slippery and REALLY hard to hold. I fought through it but only managed about three good pieces. Lesson learned. Sort of, anyway. This morning I tried again but left the peel ON. Ate it over the sink. Boy, I love those things but this is truly messy!
There HAS to be an easier way to do this!
Thanks for listening.