The lack of a Guinea Pig

Okay. Still settling in the new place; trying to find places to put all my stuff so haven't done a whole lot of cooking. Made one dish with pork steaks that turned out fairly well but not much else. It might help if my son the guinea pig were home more often but I guess work and a social life is more important for a 22 year old. Not that I blame him. I want him to enjoy life before he settles down.

Just kind of hard to cook sometimes; only because I'm my own worst critic and think the worst of everything. But that's probably normal, right? But it's all good. I'll start up again one day soon but for now, I thought I'd share the different thoughts and experiences that I may come across in my search for fun food.

I will mention that my son bought some frozen chicken tenders, marinated them in something he found in the fridge and then cooked them all together with things he likes. I was actually quite impressed. He used Italian dressing for the marinade and then fried up some veggies, including green peppers and banana peppers. It turned out very well. I'm almost jealous.

But very proud that he does not have the same inhibitions that I have about throwing things together and making something good without worrying about the results. I should have taken a picture of it but it really didn't last all that long.

Anyway, still here and still wanting to learn more about the joy of cooking. I'll be back soon!

Thanks for listening.