Mango Vs Apple

Okay. I absolutely love mangoes. One of the best-tasting fruits, in my opinion. But I've always bought them already cut up and ready to go. Perfect. But since deciding to eat better (yes, you heard more TV dinners!), I decided to buy my fruits and veggies fresh. In their original packages. Who knew, right?

Have you ever tried to slice up a mango, though? Me, either. I thought it would be fairly simple. Just cut it up into sections like an apple and eat. Ha! Not even close. Darn thing has a large pit in the middle that is knife-proof. Well, my knives don't go through it. So, I thought I'd peel it and try to slice around the pit. Ha, ha!

Ever held a peeled mango? They are incredibly slippery and REALLY hard to hold. I fought through it but only managed about three good pieces. Lesson learned. Sort of, anyway. This morning I tried again but left the peel ON. Ate it over the sink. Boy, I love those things but this is truly messy!

There HAS to be an easier way to do this!

Thanks for listening.
