Change of Heart

Well, it took me awhile to figure it out but I guess better late than never! You can't find the perfect spaghetti sauce recipe without actually COOKING them. Well, hell. I wanted to cook it just once.

I've also come to the conclusion that cooking really isn't for me. Yes, I still watch the cooking shows on Food Network. They are fascinating and I'm still impressed with how the chefs can create beautiful and tasty things out of most anything. But I've decided it's just not me.

But no need to fret. My journey is going to take a slight twist. I have a new guinea pig that will eat anything I make; no matter what. (Although he isn't a big fan of veggies) But it doesn't have to be fancy or especially tasty, even. AND it'll save me money and he'll eat healthier.

I'm talking about my dog, Beau. He's a basset hound and almost five years old. He's not really spoiled; I'm just well-trained! He is the love of my life and I'm looking forward to a long life with him.

So we're still going to learn how to have "fun" with cooking; just in a different way!

Thanks for listening!